Pomoriysko Ezero (Unique identification code in the register: 144)
Category: Protected Site
Area: 760.83 hectares Location:
District: Burgas, Municipality: Pomorie, Locality: Pomorie
Falls in the territory of the following Regional Inspectorates of Environment and Water (RIEW):
Burgas - ul."Perustica" 67,et.3,p.k.219
Ordinance for announcement:
Ordinance No.РД-31 from 23.01.2001
International status:
Ramsar Convention
Aims of the declaration:
1. Protection fo the Pomorie lake, the salt flats and the coastal terrains, such as humid zones of international importance as well as the habitatas of 63 species of birds threatened with extinction.
Current prohibitions and regimes:
1. It is prohibited construction and other activities wich modify the natural appearance and the water regime of the lake;
2. It is prohibited destruction of the marsh vegetation and arson of the cane;
3. It is prohibited pollution of the lake water I adjacent areas;
4. It is prohitbied hunting;
5. It is prohibited harassment of the birds, spoiling of their nests, collecting of the eggs, as well as ringing of the small without permittion from the Ministry of Environmental and Water
6. It is permitted activities on salt production and maintenance of sea-lake channels;
7. Alowed extraction of mud;
8. Allowed restocking with species typical for the lake ichthyofauna;
9. Allowed catch "on guard" and sport fishing in defined by management plan areas; pending the entry into force of the management plan for these locations, determined by RIEW Burgas;
10. Allowed the construction of new dams, as well as reconstruction and repair of existing, after consultation with MOEW.
Overlapping (partial or full):
PZ under the Bird Directive: Pomoriysko ezero
PZ under the Habitat Directive: Pomorie