Register of protected areas in Bulgaria

Final result

Tsarichina   (Unique identification code in the register: 8)

Category: Reserve


Map of the object
Digital boundaries - WGS 84, UTM 35N (shp)

Digital boundaries are with the current status

Area: 3418.7 hectares

District: Lovech, Municipality: Teteven, Locality: Ribaritsa

Falls in the territory of the following Regional Forestry Directorates (RFD):
RFD Lovetch: SFE Ribaritsa

Ordinance for announcement:
Government decree No.4942 from 18.07.1949 1-1-8-4942-1949

Ordinance for change:

1. Ordinance No.1171 from 24.09.1951 1171-1951
2. Change in the activities regime with Ordinance No.2245 from 30.12.1956
3. Ordinance No.2809 from 10.10.1962
4. Change in the area - increase with Ordinance No.359 from 09.02.1973 359-1973
5. Change in the area - increase with Ordinance No.281 from 04.05.1979 281-1979
6. Change in the area - increase with Ordinance No.1255 from 22.12.1983 1255-1983
7. Change in the area - increase with Ordinance No.67 from 25.01.1991 67-1991
8. Change in the area - increase with Ordinance No.500 from 29.06.1992 500-1992

Aims of the declaration:
1. Only the natural habitat of white fir in the Balkan

Objects of protection (species or habitats):
1. Ordinance for Announcement / Management Plan: Common Beech (Fagus silvatica), European Silver Fir (Abies alba), Norway Spruce (Picea abies), Macedonian Pine (Pinus peuce), Viola balcanica, Angelica pancicii, Centaurea kernerana, Brown bear (Ursus arctos), Gray Wolf ( Canis lupus), Pine Marten (Martes martes), Wildcat ( Felix silvestris), European Otter (Lutra lutra), Red Deer (Cervus elaphus), Honey Buzzard (Pernis apivorus), Rock Partridge (Alectotis graeca graeca), Hazel Hen (Bonasa bonasia), White-backed Woodpecker (Dendrocopos leucotos), Red-breasted Flycatcher (Ficedula parva), Eurasian Eagle-owl (Bubo bubo), Ural Owl (Strix uralensis), Tengmalm's Owl (Aegolius funereus);

Current prohibitions and regimes:
1. All activities are prohibited in the forest reserve except: 1. its conservancy; 2. visits with a scientific purpose; 3. people walking on the designated paths, including when it's with an educational purpose; 4. collection of seeds, wild plants, and animals with a scientific purpose

Overlapping (partial or full):
1. National Park: Tsentralen Balkan
2. PZ under both Directives: Tsentralen Balkan

Questions on the content: biomon@eea.government.bg, phone: 00359 2 940 64 73


Technical issues: it@eea.government.bg


Last update of the web application: 01.08.2011
The data in the registry are updated regularly


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