Register of protected areas in Bulgaria

Final result

Persina   (Unique identification code in the register: 9)

Category: Natural Park


Map of the object
Digital boundaries - WGS 84, UTM 35N (shp)

Digital boundaries are in the process of updating

Area: 21618.1 hectares

1. District: Pleven, Municipality: Belene, Locality: Belene
2. District: Pleven, Municipality: Nikopol, Locality: Dragash voyvoda, Nikopol
3. District: Veliko Tarnovo, Municipality: Svishtov, Locality: Oresh, Svishtov

Falls in the territory of the following Regional Inspectorates of Environment and Water (RIEW):
1. Pleven - ul."Aleksander Stambolijski"1A
2. Veliko Tarnovo - ul."N.Gabrovski" 68

Ordinance for announcement:
Ordinance No.РД-684 from 04.12.2000 684-2000

Ordinance for change:

1. Accepting the management plan with Decision No.287 from 11.04.2012 287-2012
2. Accepting the management plan with Decision No.77 from 11.02.2016 77-2016
3. Change in the area - increase with Ordinance No.РД-771 from 24.09.2020 771-2020
4. Change in the area - decrease with Ordinance No.РД-771 from 24.09.2020 771-2020

Management plan for protected area (link):

International status:
Ramsar Convention

Aims of the declaration:
1. Protection, restoration and maintenance of the diversity of local ecosystems and landscapes, local species of wild plants and animals as well as local varieties and breeds.
2. Restoration of floodplain forests and wetlands in Svishtov, Belene valley and neighboring Dunabe islands.

Current prohibitions and regimes:
1. All activities are prhibited, which are related to or lead to a draining or disruption of the water regime of the existing damp areas.
2. It is prohibited to convert the meadows and pastures of the state and municipality land within the arable lands.
3. It is prohibited to diminish the afforested area in the forest.
4. It is prohibited to diminish the afforested area in the forest by changing the purpose of the land
5. It is prohibited to diminish the area of natural forest, propert of the state and the municipalities.
6. It is prohibited to lumber in the areas of the nesting colonies of protected species of birds, as well as at a safe distance from these colonies, as determined by the state forestry and park management during the birds' breeding period March - July (included).
7. It is prohibited to regulate the stock of wildlife in the islands in the period March - July (included).

Overlapping (partial or full):
1. Managed Nature Reserve: Persinski Blata
2. Protected Site: Kaykusha
3. Protected Site: Persin
4. Protected Site: Persin Iztok
5. Protected Site: Plavala
6. Reserve: Kitka
7. Reserve: Milka
8. PZ under the Bird Directive: Kompleks Belenski ostrovi
9. PZ under the Bird Directive: Nikopolsko plato
10. PZ under the Bird Directive: Ostrov Lakat
11. PZ under the Bird Directive: Svishtovsko-Belenska nizina
12. PZ under the Habitat Directive: Persina

Questions on the content: biomon@eea.government.bg, phone: 00359 2 940 64 73


Technical issues: it@eea.government.bg


Last update of the web application: 01.08.2011
The data in the registry are updated regularly


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