Register of protected areas in Bulgaria

Final result

LIBICHEVO USOE   (Unique identification code in the register: 597)

Category: Protected Site


Map of the object
Digital boundaries - WGS 84, UTM 35N (shp)

Digital boundaries are with the current status

Area: 24.49 hectares

District: Pleven, Municipality: Pleven, Locality: Varbitsa

Falls in the territory of the following Regional Inspectorates of Environment and Water (RIEW):
Pleven - ul."Aleksander Stambolijski"1A

Ordinance for announcement:
Ordinance No.РД-2 from 03.01.2019 2-2019

Aims of the declaration:
1. Conservation of forest with seed origin with Quercus pubescens, Quercеta virgiliana, Quercus cerris and also habitats of protected animal species like Felis silvestris, Testudo hermanni, Fringilla coelebs, Luscinia megarhynchos, Dendrocopus minor, Phylloscopus collybitu, Upupa epops, Accipiter gentilis, Buleo buteo.

Current prohibitions and regimes:
1. It is prohibited to change the purpose and the sustainable use of the land.
2. The construction is prohibited. It is prohibited to place movable objects including illuminants, alcoves, barbecues, benches, rope equipments, watchtowers, etc.
3. The logging is prohibited (including cutting down individual trees no matter the condition of the trees), direct or indirect destruction of the trees or parts of the trees, exept for breeding and protection of the young undergrowth in the restored parts of the forest.
4. It is prohibited to import plant and animal species which are uncharacteristic for the region.
5. Entering, passing and parking of motor vehicles is prohibited except for property with number № 12752.93.30, which is an existing road.
6. It is prohibited to search for, research, and extract minerals;

Overlapping (partial or full):
PZ under the Habitat Directive: Reka Vit

Questions on the content: biomon@eea.government.bg, phone: 00359 2 940 64 73


Technical issues: it@eea.government.bg


Last update of the web application: 01.08.2011
The data in the registry are updated regularly


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