Register of protected areas in Bulgaria

Final result

Kamchiiska planina   (Unique identification code in the register: BG0002044)

Category: PZ under the Bird Directive


Map of the object

Area: 88897.23 hectares

1. District: Burgas, Municipality: Nesebar, Locality: Koznitsa, Obzor, Priseltsi, Rakovskovo
2. District: Burgas, Municipality: Pomorie, Locality: Kozichino
3. District: Burgas, Municipality: Ruen, Locality: Bilka, Daskotna, Dobra polyana, Dobromir, Dropla, Kamenyak, Karavelyovo, Mrezhichko, Pripek, Prosenik, Rechitsa, Rozhden, Rudina, Snezha, Sokolets, Sredna mahala, Struya, Topchiysko, Tranak, Vishna, Yasenovo, Zaimchevo
4. District: Varna, Municipality: Byala, Locality: Byala, Dyulino, Goritsa, Gospodinovo, Popovich, Samotino
5. District: Varna, Municipality: Dalgopol, Locality: Dalgopol, Sava, Tsonevo, Аsparuhovo
6. District: Varna, Municipality: Dolni chiflik, Locality: Bardarevo, Bulair, Dolni chiflik, Golitsa, Goren chiflik, Grozdyovo, Krivini, Novo Oryahovo, Pchelnik, Rudnik, Shkorpilovtsi, Solnik, Staro Oryahovo, Yunets

Falls in the territory of the following Regional Inspectorates of Environment and Water (RIEW):
1. Burgas - ul."Perustica" 67,et.3,p.k.219
2. Varna - ul."Jan Palah" 4

Ordinance for announcement:
Ordinance No.РД-132 from 10.02.2012 2-1-2044-132-2012

Ordinance for change:

1. Change in the activities regime with Ordinance No.РД-77 from 28.01.2013
2. Change in the subject for conservation with Ordinance No.РД-709 from 28.09.2023
3. Define a specific aims with Ordinance No.РД-709 from 28.09.2023

Record for protected zone (link):

Aims of the declaration:
1. Protection and maintenance of the habitats of the birds under item 2 to reach their favorable conservation status;
2. Restoration of the habitats of the birds under item 2, which is necessary to reach their improve the favorable conservation status;

Objects of protection (species or habitats):
1. Article 6, paragraph 1, section 3 from Biological Diversity Act: Great White Pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus), Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus), Pygmy Cormorant (Phalacrocorax pygmeus), Little Bittern (Ixobrychus minutus), Great Egret (Egretta alba), Black Storck (Ciconia nigra), White Storck (Ciconia ciconia), Tundra Swan (Cygnus columbianus bewickii), Whooper Swan (Cygnus cygnus), Smew (Mergus albellus), Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea), Osprey (Pandion haliaetus), European Honey Buzzard (Pernis apivorus), Black Kite (Milvus migrans), Red Kite (Milvus milvus), White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla), Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus), Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus), Short-toed Snake Eagle (Circaetus gallicus), Western Marsh-harrier (Circus aeruginosus), Hen Harrier (Circus cyaneus), Pallid Harrier (Circus macrourus), Montagu?s Harrier (Circus pygargus), Lesser Spotted Eagle (Aquila pomarina), Lesser Spotted Eagle (Aquila clanga), Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), Booted Eagle (Hieraaetus pennatus), Levant Sparrowhawk (Accipiter brevipes), Long-legged Buzzard (Buteo rufinus), Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca), Lesser Kestrel Белошипа ветрушка (Falco naumanni), Red-footed Falcon (Falco vespertinus), Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus), Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug), Common Crane (Grus grus), Corn Crake (Crex crex), Wind Sandpiper (Tringa glareola), Eurasian Eagle-Owl (Bubo bubo), Nightjar (Caprimulgus europaeus), Common Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis), European Roller (Coracias garrulus), Grey-headed Woodpecker (Picus canus), Black Woodpecker (Dryocopus martius), Middle Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos medius), White-backed Woodpecker (Dendrocopos leucotos), Syrian Woodpecker (Dendrocopos syriacus), Calandra Lark (Melanocorypha calandra), Woodlark (Lullula arborea), Tawny pipit (Anthus campestris), Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio), Lesser Grey Shrike (Lanius minor), Pied Wheatear (Oenanthe pleschanka), Barred Warbler (Sylvia nisoria), Semi-collared Flycatcher (Ficedula semitorquata), Ortolan (Emberiza hortulana), (Aythya nyroca), (Branta ruficollis), (Gavia arctica), (Gavia stellata);
2. Article 6, paragraph 1, section 4 from Biological Diversity Act: Little Grebe (Tachybaptus ruficollis), Great Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus), Black-necked Grebe (Podiceps nigricollis), Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo), Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea), Mute Swan (Cygnus olor), Greater White-fronted Goose (Anser albifrons), Common Shelduck (Tadorna tadorna), Eurasian Wigeon (Anas penelope), Gadwall (Anas strepera), Common Teal (Anas crecca), Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), Pintail (Anas acuta), Common Pochard (Aythya ferina), Tufted Duck (Aythya fuligula), Common Goldeneye (Bucephala clangula), Red-brasted Merganser (Mergus serrator), Eurasian Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus), Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo), Common Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus), Eurasian Hobby (Falco subbuteo), Comon Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus), Eurasian Coot (Fulica atra), Little Ringed Plover (Charadrius dubius), Dunlin (Calidris alpina), Green Sandpiper (Tringa ochropus), Common Sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos), Black-headed Gull (Larus ridibundus), Caspian Gull (Larus cachinnans), European Bee-eater (Merops apiaster), (Anas clypeata), (Netta rufina).

Current prohibitions and regimes:
1. It is prohibited afforestation of meadows, pastures and grassland and transformating them into cultivating land and permanent plantations;
2. It is prohibited to use pesticides and fertilizers in pastures and meadows;
3. It is prohibited mowing of cane during the period from 1 march to 15 august;
4. It is prohibited setting on fire cane massif and coastal vegetation;
5. It is prohibited the construction of wind generators for electricity, except those for which at the date of promulgation of the arrest in the ''Official Gazette" has started proceedings under Chapter Six of the Law for Environmental Protection and / or art. 31 of the Law for Biodiversity. The regime does not apply to wind generators used as their own sources of electricity.
6. It is prohibited to use unselected preventive for pest control in the agriculture;
7. It is prohibited mowing of meadows from the periphery to the center with fast-moving equipment before 15 July.

Overlapping (partial or full):
1. Managed Nature Reserve: Kirov Dol
2. Managed Nature Reserve: Valchi Prohod
3. Managed Nature Reserve: Varbov Dol
4. Natural Monument: Belite Skali
5. Natural Monument: Chudnite Skali
6. Natural Monument: Nahodishte Na Byal Oman
7. Natural Monument: Skalno Obrazuvanie Profesora
8. Natural Monument: Vodopadite v mestnostta Sini Vir
9. Protected Site: Gorska Baraka
10. Protected Site: Mihov Dol
11. Protected Site: Orlov Kamak
12. Protected Site: Pregrada
13. PZ under the Habitat Directive: Kamchiiska i Emenska planina
14. PZ under the Habitat Directive: Plazh Shkorpilovtsi
15. PZ under the Habitat Directive: Reka Dolna Luda Kamchia

Questions on the content: biomon@eea.government.bg, phone: 00359 2 940 64 73


Technical issues: it@eea.government.bg


Last update of the web application: 01.08.2011
The data in the registry are updated regularly


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